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Your Body Is The Bank & Your Breath Is The Currency.

Backing Currency With Breath Course
One time
For 2 months

This is a profound, self-led course that assists individuals with mourning the versions of themselves they've created to survive, relate and adapt in order to unveil the origins of currency. Being that the body is the true bank, it is essential that we ensure that this currency never falls stagnant; otherwise, we run the risk of relying on the dead world's banks and engaging in corrupt deeds that end up creating more karmic debt for us that will cost us int he form of our experiences.

✓ 4 Modules Full of Audio Lessons & Informative Excerpts
✓ Access To Exclusive Lectures & Audios On Par With Topics
✓ Monthly Classes Covering Bonus Topics
✓ Interactive eBook To Assist You With Integrating The Wisdom

This Self-Led Course Is For You If…

  • You want the changes that you are making in your life to actually stick and prevent old patterns from corrupting new lifestyles.

  • You want to understand the origins of currency so that you can let go of your attachment to money/fiat and open yourself up to other forms of currency that are not as dense.

  • You want to reinstate your body as the bank through breath correction, descent back into your body and building up your pranic reserve (aka spiritual wealth).

  • You want to learn what changes to make to your lifestyle to keep your inner-currents from falling stagnant; which is what eventually makes you seek sustenance outside of yourself.

  • You want to secure spiritual wealth instead of dead material wealth that requires you to continue to harvest and be harvested (aka living a lifestyle that requires you to go against yourself daily).

  • You want to distinguish your ego from your essence in order to build sustained awareness around the spirits and entities you house so that you are aware of the type of commerce you are doing with people, places, things, ideas, sentiments and beliefs moment to moment to avoid glamorized spiritual bankruptcy.

Course Lessons:

  • In this intro lesson, I will be setting the intention and tone for this self-led course; starting with what currency is, it's many forms and why it is important to back it with the quality of your breath.

  • This is the version of you that you created to relate and survive in the environment you were born into. Before you can timeline jump, live in alignment and magnetize what’s “for you”, you must hold space for the oscillation between what you’ve always known and your new life, indulge all of which temporary gratifies you until it runs it’s course and grieve the adaptive version of you that’s been running the show and keeping you unfulfilled.

    Additionally, we will also go over the importance of divorcing our hyper-fixation on "doing the work" to the extent of policing ourselves, denying our human and polarizing ourselves to one side of our own duality in the name of being our "higher-selves"; which is yet another for of bypassing.

  • The days of people pleasing, self-sacrifice and performing are over. During this aspect of the process, through trial & error, you will learn which of your current karmic contracts are backed by living essence (inspiration/spirits) versus that of dead ideas (entities/influence) so that you can breech contract accordingly. Here, you will learn to get acclimated to the organic pace of expansion to avoid spiritual bankruptcy & combustion.

  • If you dissociate, escape or bypass any part of this process, you run the risk of creating a phantom timeline; which is the appearance without the living substance. When on a phantom timeline, you may be in a new area, but you will manifest the same characters/avatars in order to make you deal with the karmic themes you thought you could block, pay, relocate or “new look” your way out of.

  • Moving forward, once properly attuned, you will be equipped to maintain your own spiritual checks & balances in order for you to not put yourself in spiritual deficit moment to moment. You will notice your breath change and your nervous system flare up when you’re engaging in commerce that you cannot yet spiritually afford. This is where you get to decide what God you truly serve, in spirit.

Bonus Classes:

Next Live Class (#2):

February 28th, 2025

Time: 6pm CST


  • Skim through all course modules + provide spiritual context

  • 2 Types of Spirits: Distinguishing Spirits From Entities

  • Understanding What Governs The Spirit/Entity Redistribution System: Your Unique Karma, Dissociation As Consent To Possession & Channeling Spirits/Entities To Alchemize Them/Pay Off Karma

  • Spiritual Wealth 101: Prana/Life Force & “Miracles”

  • Your Channels, The Present Moment & Inspiration: 2 Opened Channels With Motion Are Better Than 10 Obstructed Channels

  • Currency Obstruction 101: Discovering What Obstructs The Currents Within Your Channels & How That Affects The Magnetism of Currency In All Forms (Includes, But Is Not Limited To Fiat Currency)

  • Your Magick Hidden In Plain Sight: Recognizing Your Day To Day Invocations & Building Your Encyclopedia of Spirits

  • Recognizing Invocation of Spirits/Entities

  • Determining ROI: Does The Person, Place Or Thing Have Motion?

  • PICK-A-TOPIC: Skim through my IG and choose a piece of content that invokes the most within you.

  • Ink/Sigil Work: Understanding how to unveil which spirits/entities branded through tattoos you and how to ensure that you are creating the optimal environment for them while they are housed in your vessel.