Reclaiming Your Spiritual Authority & Retrieving Your Human

A Psychospiritual Mentorship Teaching How To Maintain Your Spiritual Checks & Balances Via Being A Better Steward of What You Already Have

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Dark, Holy Medicine Rendered Within This Mentorship Container

  • Spirits vs. Entities

    Essentially, spirits. and entities are the same. However, within my line of work, I have distinguished them so that you know the difference between an a wholesome spirit (organic) and a entity (inverted).

    Spirits take offerings, entities feed/siphon. Spirits are invoked via inspired, entities are invoked via influence (hence, the term “under the influence”). Entities serve the dead ego, spirits serve the living essence.

    When there is unpaid karmic debt looping through your field/subtle bodies/genes, this type of spiritual deficit creates a void that influences you to create an ego construct to operate from in order to survive in the dead world; and this ego construct will re-present your living essence until you pay off the necessary karma and are living in harmony with nature again. Until then, the living essence remains a passenger/in the sunken place (think of the movie “Get Out”). And this ego construct is a host to one or many “shadow” entities; which hijack the nervous system and contorts your inner-dialogue in a way that will make you want to keep your ego alive for security, sanity and/or familiarity; even though it keeps your in spiritual deficit.

    Through the karmic clearing process, once a sacrifice is made (at will or spontaneously), you allow ego death, descend into the underworld to tango with said shadow entities and you unveil the the origins of the unpaid karma that turned your living spirits into dead shadow entities in the first place.

    Once alchemized and integrated, what was once a repressed, dark and contorted force will be recognized as a part of you that was simply broken and repressed for so long, that you did not recognize it.

  • Protection Spells/Rituals As Temporary Aid Before The Balance of Nature Is Restored & Getting To The Karmic Roots For Sustained Protection

    Despite contrary belief, protection is a matter of spiritual birthright. Trendy spiritualists, as well as spiritualists who are too hung up on tradition to trust the wisdom of raw rite of passage, have convinced the masses that protection rituals and spells are the highest form of “spiritual” protection from “bad energy” and harm when really, lack of protection reflects a lack of spiritual birthright. A spell is going to cost more prana/life force and the reason for the lack of protection is lack of prana life/force; so all you’re doing with protection rituals and spells is borrowing energy to buying yourself time from having to pay off the karma.

    While rituals and spells were likely useful in denser reality constructs where bad commerce was done, it still stands that it is yet another form of outsourcing to balance the scales; like gambling with the balance of nature. The medicine I offer is centered around clearing the karma that can very well put you in spiritual bankruptcy where harm, disease and misfortune eventually manifest for karmic retribution because there was a loss of awareness around spiritual checks & balances in the first place.

  • The Quality of Your Breath/Spirits

    Everything is breathwork; from stretching to dancing to sex to fighting to eating to singing. Many people only recognize breathwork as a formal practice of sorts for vague reasons such as balance and inner-peace. However, breath is a powerful invocation tool and awareness around what you invoke via the quality of breath will help rid you of feelings of victimhood and helplessness in certain life experiences of yours.

    Correction of the breath and descent into the body/vessel is the first step in transcending the density and intensity by which nature will call in experiences unique to your karma, no matter how painful, in order for you to clear whatever aspect of you + your life that is a disturbance to the balance of nature.

  • Recognizing The Change In Your Breath When An Invocations Is Occurring

    Invocations are not as spooky as you may think and are transpiring everyday, in plain sight, more often than people realize. Spirits/entities are commonly invoked through music, visual media, food, scents (olfactory bulb) and sensation. And not only that, celebrities and public figures (especially performers and actors/actresses) are master invokers

    The sooner we begin to recognize unconscious invocations, the sooner we will be able to have a conscious hand in the bizarre, seemingly unexplainable experiences we often draw out of ourselves or others, even.

  • Underworld Lords: Master Invokers of Feminine Rage & Drawing Out Dormant Shadows

    This is a huge topic that often comes up when people feel victimized by abusers, predators, narcissists, sociopaths and many other characters. But underworld lords have a divine role, despite contrary belief! Underworld lords are here to invoke the Dark Mother/Feminine so that we can embody a fuller spectrum of our femininity instead of the polarity that reflects docility, blind submission, weakness and people pleasing.

    The awakening of the Dark Mother/Feminine was the basis of my late “Awakening Daughters of Lilith” Course and serves as a ward of unseen protection so that safety of wombmen and children is spiritually secured. The Dark Mother/Feminine is not about being evil, toxic, humiliating others and being nasty spirited; it is about feeding the shadow and not denying the wilder/primal/feral aspects of femininity so that birthrights that were lost deep in the lineage via self-sacrifice, inauthenticity and self-betrayal can be reclaimed through whatever caliber of self-advocacy is authentically inspired in a moment.

  • Illusion Magick (Siphoning/Harvesting) vs. Spiritual Birthright (Magnetism)

    Most very successful and popular people are master energy harvesters and are thriving off of borrowed energy/life force, which is not sustainable. And while it may look graceful and glamorous at first glance to the untrained spiritual eye, they are harvesting energy from others and allowing their own energy to be harvested; and the moment they drop the ball, everything will fall apart. This is usually indicative of “signing a deal with the devil” or “selling your soul”; meaning, you agree to doing something that you may not realize requires you to go against your living essence in the long run in exchange for things that feed the ego and it’s entities, not the living essence and it’s spirits.

    This is why it is important to not lead with the ego and influence (manipulation) because it will require inauthentic upkeep and eventually combust. Instead, we lead with our essence and inspiration (internally invoked) because these spirit-led exchanges pour back into us and are inherently reciprocal by nature.

  • The Art of Shapeshifting

    Shapeshifting is a change in your “spiritual DNA”/coding; it is like your energetic barcode. And this barcode can change when something is being invoked within you (be it a spirit or an entity) or if you are a shadow worker and are drawing out someone’s karmic gunk so that stagnant debris can be cleared. Together, we will be attuning you to that of own subtle bodies, the karmic debris you carry around, as well as how the stagnancy or movement of these debris transform your energy signature upon successfully doing alchemy per each new purification cycle.

  • Exiting The Pain-Body: Learning How To Not Resist Release

    When we resist release, it puts us in the vibration of scarcity, lack, self-doubt and many other things that influence us to contract with the dead/artificial world and forget the birthrights that are always available to us in the land of the living once we come back online and into our bodies in the present moment. With the pain-body comes shallow breath, anal contraction and dense manifestations that make you feel more bound to time/3D. Things are not instantaneous and it feels like you have to slave, hustle, and scheme your way to “the top”, which again, is not reflective of spiritual birthright. Manifestation, abundance and prosperity should be as natural as breathing.

  • Learning Your Magick Channels: Where True Currency Flows Or Gets Obstructed

    People that have psychotic breaks and melt downs often have over developed channels that they are not grounded enough in their bodies to navigate or utilize in a way that benefits them or those around them. And more times than not, due to fragmented consciousness (a result of resisting release or doing commerce that they are already in too much spiritual deficit to engage in) their energy signature will not be compatible with the timeline that their pending transformation has catapulted them onto pre-maturely.

    When you are “in a channel”, you can be reading someone’s psychic debris, you could be letting advanced wisdoms flow through you, you could clear other people’s karmic debris via creative expression, you can do certain things with your energy via physical sensation and much more. When you allow inspiration to invoke spirits, a current begins to flow through these channels; this is your currency/spiritual wealth. It is raw life force/prana that has taken the form of a unique expression. And when it is not forced, performative or done out of survival, it pours back into you in a way where you won’t feel like you have to sell out, exit the present moment or disconnect from your body.

    This is why it can be dangerous to commodify our gifts without proper awareness of these things; as you can invert something pure into something contorted and nasty without realizing it.

  • Karmic Inheritances & Rites of Passage: Ancient Spirits, Entities & Advanced Coding

    In order to house powerful spirits/entities, often times you have to endure a series of seemingly bizarre, unfortunate events that the average person would not recover from. The reason that you persevere is not by chance; it is apart of your karmic inheritance.

    Your karmic inheritance can consist of spiritual sight, protection, gifts and other super natural abilities that need to be earned via organic initiation. And while you may not even realize that you are in the middle of an initiation, best believe that someone or several of your predecessors put in work for you to be able to house a certain caliber of spirits in your vessel. Yes, there may have been colonization, slavery, etc., imposed on many of you all’s bloodlines and tons of dark shadow entities to work through within said initiations; but usually, you have to clean up whatever mess those before you left behind before you can get your “spiritual” reparation, which do not require protest, paperwork and victimhood. This is why ego death is so purifying; it allows you to embody empowerment instead of seeking to siphon it from those you perceive as more powerful than you.

  • Ridding Yourself of Spiritual Narcissism, Disarming The Ego & Retrieving Your Human

    While we are all very gifted, powerful and seek to live outside of the matrix, this is still a super-human experience. In these times, I’ve found that people have gotten carried away with building spiritual-egos for themselves for survival or to counter the deep insecurity they feel in the world (due to their relationship with their bodies); which usually results in them bypassing themes that need work and distracting themselves with helping and informing others. Included within this is also eating disorders disguised as healthy eating diets and avoiding being low vibrational and only surrounding yourself with those who are “high vibrational”…which is severely imbalanced because the lower nature/chakras must be inhabited before that of the higher…which allows the two to be balanced by the heart pulse.

    *There are lectures that you will have access to breaking down Spiritual Narcissism and the detriment of using spirituality as a form of escape from feelings of unsafety in your own humanness.

  • Understanding The Spirit/Entity Distribution System Within Your "Bizarre" Spiritual Experiences

    Description coming soon!

  • Womb Incubation: Abortions, Miscarriages & The Bias of Birthing

    Description coming soon!

The Fundamentals of Spirit Weaving:

The Mechanics of Karmic Clearing

At the onset of onboarding, you will be quipped with a few tools to assist you on navigating your first karmic clearing cycle consciously. I have created a complex system to aid you in understanding what’s happening to you when things get intense, when you start to feel crazy, when it seems like your world is falling apart, etc. And with these tools, you will feel way more grounded in a way that doesn’t make you feel that God has forsaken you or that life/the world is doing something to you. You may find these slides below for reference, but you will also find this and a few other tools in your mentee portal.

About Your New Mentor, Nikhol Rei.

If you are new here, consider me a karmic accountant, shadow shaman and wordsmith/spell worker capable of mutating the genes via my profound, rather over-developed channels.

The basis of my work is centered around attuning my clients to the quality of their own breath (spirits), building their pranic reserve (spiritual wealth), expanding their awareness around the spirits & entities they house + recognizing what invokes them and helping them descend back into the vessels/bodies that houses those spirits/entities. These pillars determine an individuals's ability to maintain spiritual checks & balances as to not disturb the balance of nature when they do commerce with people, places, things, ideas, beliefs and sentiments.

Over the years, I have become a profound source of psychospiritual insight because of my ability to detect and put words to what transpires in the subtle realms, as well as the subtle bodies; demystifying supernatural phenomena and making it practical. And after years of teaching people the mechanics of the karmic clearing process as it pertains to clearing bloodline karma and providing a slew of practical, comprehensive guides on complex, “metaphysical” topics such as timeline jumping, energy signatures, underworld work, shapeshifting, etc., I am ready to begin facilitating integrative immersions in-person to ensure that what you all have learned from me over the years has not been purely intellectualized.

My work is dark, holy medicine; it is taboo, uncomfortable and uncanny…but it is the stepping stone out of the collective pain-body + victimhood and into becoming master shapeshifters & alchemists who are no longer at the mercy of the material world and it's dense, time-bound illusion magick.


While working with me; at times, you will notice that I spontaneously shapeshift into someone/something that mimics the energy signature of a character in your bloodline of great, karmic significance. I will talk like them, spew out venom like them; whatever needs to happen to draw out your shadows for you to tango with them. Please do not mistake this gift of shadow shamaning with my personal sentiments toward you. I have enough experience with shapeshifting to know when it’s happening and will put you on notice before I full on get possessed by whatever will draw karmic debris to the surface to be processed and released. However, do your best to disarm your ego and know that so long as you stay in your body (don’t dissociate), be mindful of your breath and stay with yourself that we will get through this dance together.

Choose Your Mentorship Package

3 Month Mentorship
One time
For 3 months

This 3 month container is for those who have been following, studying and implementing my work for years and just need me to assist them with things that are a bit more nuanced that they may not detect or may have gotten stuck on.

✓ Homecoming Session + Accompanying Workbook
✓ Access To My Taboo Toolbox
✓ Discount On 'When Wombmen Gather' Immersions In Costa Rica
✓ Fundamentals of Karmic Clearing Workbook
6 Month Mentorship
One time
For 6 months

This 6 month container is for those that are brand new to this work and are starting from scratch. This means you are mostly unfamiliar with my work, key terms and how dark medicine and psychospiritual work goes and will need me to take my time to ensure that you comprehend the foundations of this work. Expect to have ego deaths triggered, shadow entities drawn to the surface and learning the basics of alchemy: sink or swim.

✓ Homecoming Workbook + Accompanying Session
✓ Fundamentals of Karmic Clearing Workbook
✓ Discount On 'When Wombmen Gather' Immersions In Costa Rica
✓ Access To My Taboo Toolbox
✓ Slower-Paced Mentorship To Ensure Foundational Comprehension
Trip To Costa Rica For Human Integration + Embodiment
One time
For 3 months

Whether you were apart of the 3 month or 6 month mentorship container, if I decide to give you the green light; you are welcomed to come to Costa Rica and work 1 on 1 with me where the jungle and ocean meet for a weekend to ensure that what you've been learning is integrating properly and able to be sustained.

✓ Lodging & Local Transport In The Jungle of Costa Rica
✓ Meals & Activities Covered For The Entire Weekend
✓ Human Retrieval + Grounding (If Necessary)
✓ Psychospiritual Assessment To Anchor Spirits You House
✓ Spontaneous Shadow Feeding To Draw Out Entities/Kill Ego

Pillars of Mentorship

  • Developing & Opening Your Currency Channels

    Your channels are the funnels by which your magick flows; which can be in the form of spiritual sight, prophesies, healing others and many other things that range from creativity to supernatural. Some people have 1-2 open channels while others have 5-10; and those with more often are the mediums, psychics and overall powerhouses. However, even though someone has many channels, that does not mean they are developed. 1-2 developed channels is better than 5-10 under developed channels.

    The caliber of spirits we house dictate to the extent that your currency can materialize into the 3rd dimension. If you have unpaid karma inhibiting your currency, it will cause your breath to fall shallow, you’ll struggle with entities (I.e. addiction, bad habits, poverty, lack of spiritual authority) and find yourself spiritually gridlocked to denser reality constructs that make you feel trapped, enslaved and oppressed.

  • Building Your Encyclopedia of Spirits

    Your Encyclopedia of Spirits represents the vast variety of spirits and entities that your vessel/body houses from all of your collective experiences; from this waking lifetime and beyond that left imprints on your subtle bodies and carried over into this current expression of your consciousness.

    Most people are at the mercy of their spirits/entities and constrict when the darker ones (entities) appear for debt payment; causing them to block themselves from receiving to the extent of creating perpetual karmic loops for themselves.

    My Gypsies are encouraged to live life to the fullest extent without being afraid of making mistakes, or experiencing pain & loss because this is how you build your Encyclopedia of Spirits and embody all associated, ancient wisdoms.

    You cannot unlock magick with intellect.

  • Knowing When Your Breath Quality Has Caused You To Vibrate Into In The Land of The Living Or The Artificial World

    When you are in the land of the living, things are easy and as natural as breathing. When you are in the artificial wold, things are dense and difficult and you have to seemingly go against your nature to get by. When you notice that you have vibrated onto an artificial paradigm, immediately check in with your breath, see if you are in your body and call yourself back home. Upon doing so, you may find that you were actually avoiding ego death, sacrifice or underworld descent.

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

Frequently Asked Questions:

Explore the drop down menus below to learn more about what all goes into mentorship with me as a brand new mentee or someone who was a mentee of mine in the past.

  • Please email me directly at so that I can send you a customized link that will allow you to pay via Klarna, Afterpay or Affirm. If you are not approved, I’m afraid this mentorship container may not be for you.

    You may however explore The Gypsy Club or my Releasing The Pain Body Membership.

  • Please see my policies HERE. I only offer credits for other services of mine, no refunds.

  • Absolutely!