Let me try my best to sum it all up..
I’m basically a spiritual/karmic accountant; referencing the breath, pranic reserve, spirits, entities and relationship with the vessel to determine the condition of your spiritual checks & balances.
I detect and put words to the subtle, yet profound spiritual experiences people have that they don’t understand (I.e. sleep paralysis, dreams, supernatural gifts, etc.)
I teach people how to work with the spirits housed within their vessels/bodies in order to sustainably jump onto timelines that or more sustainable and in harmony with the many expressions of their core essence.
I provide a slew of practical and comprehensive guides on complex, “metaphysical” topics such as timeline jumping, energy signatures, shapeshifting, etc., in way that does not disturb the balance of nature.
How to shift from marketing to and working with people who are still trapped in their pain-bodies vs. those who have managed to acquire some level of spiritual (not purely material) affluence.
Advocating for feminine rage, shadow feedings and re-wilding to prevent self-sabotage and spontaneous underworld lord appearances.
Teaching how to work with people’s spirits and entities INSTEAD of their human egos; aka, using magick instead of manipulation.