Leave A Review!

Whether you booked an Eye Reading, enrolled for a course, watched a lecture of mine, attended a Writing Workshop, did a Homecoming Session or purchased one of my eBooks; it would be deeply appreciated if you could provide a thorough review of your experience with me…it can be written and/or in video format!

Written Testimonials

  • "I worked with Nikhol in her Fulfilment code program, received an eye reading and have access to her kundelini yoga practice material. I didn't fully know what I was getting myself into, as I had just started to get deeper into my spiritual journey upon starting with her. I felt a strong call to do so and looking back... it was sooo necessary! If I had to briefly describe my overall experience with Nikhol, it has been like a huge mirror being held up in my face. With all of the services I took part in, from on-topic concersations to casual convo...I learned so much about this space...I am now able to implement a lot of this in my everyday life! It has helped me understand deeper aspects of myself and my spiritual health that I knew nothing about or ever understood. Breathwork and being present in my body takes on a whole new meaning these days. I've gained new lenses and perspectives on a lot of shit that I would have otherwise took lightly or disregarded. I am grateful to have connected with such a raw soul who isn't gonna sugarcoat! Honestly, if I had to do it over again with her...I would! This work isn't for the weak, but I do recommend connecting with Nikhol if you are ready and willing to put in the work. Much love and respect."

    — Heather Jordan

  • "I booked Nikhol Karmic Eye Reading and let’s just say I was shooked how accurate she was with my energetic signature. She spoke of my maternal lineage and the imprint it has on me currently. I was feeling conflicted with who I am and what I feel like I should be doing next. But it always felt like something was getting in the way. She told me that I was carrying the energy from the past from my maternal predecessors and reliving certain parts of their life in my life. She told me that I’m not meant to repeat what they did or allow them to relive it through me but to learn the wise lessons from it and move forward with my life the way I see fit. Immediately after listening to her message and conversing back and forth with her I felt a shift and energy lift from me. So much so I had a physical reaction to it of getting nauseous and feeling like I could throw up. Afterwords I felt fine and like a piece of me was set free or better yet given back to me. The message was such an on time message as I was having issues with my maternal side of the family and trying to figure out how to navigate it and how to release myself from it. I’m so grateful for Nikhol and her dedication, precision, insight and awareness she has for her gifts and crafts. She had even shown me how to be more appreciative of my own energy signature and how to respect it so that I live a life that I choose to live. I would highly recommend Nikhol and I look forward to downloading her Homecoming book in the future. Peace, love and abundance of joy to Nikhol and you all!"

    — Desirae Mills

  • "It took a while & I was starting to think I had a made a bad decision booking her,, even though her communication was amazing & she always kept me updated. I was in a bad relationship (mental abuse, cheating , using me for my connects & money) & EVEN THOUGH I KNEW IT WAS HIM, I still just wanted a reading to make sure it wasn’t me, if I would have gotten the reading when I purchased it, I probably wouldn’t be 1 month no contact today, I wasn’t even open to hearing anything that went against my idea in my head of him,. Her & I got to it & It was amazing, I cried . She allowed me & told me a lot about me, somethings I knew but more in depth. I highly recommend booking with her, but only if you are patient enough because it is worth it. Peace family."

    — Shayanna Freeman

  • "Nikhol Rei’s work is beyond words as far as I’m concerned, but I will give it some nonetheless. I purchased her homecoming workbook, titled “A Guide Through Your Homecoming: Descending Back Into Your Vessel”. At this time, I am someone who really values explanations, and her ability to explain the things that most cannot is unparalleled. Workbook aside, her free offerings through her social media platforms have done so much to activate my spiritual gifts as well as make me aware of my overall lack of awareness! Her and her work are perfect for those willing to do the deep dive, and I cannot thank her enough for all she does and all she will do as I reference her material throughout my descension and ascension processes. Thank you, Nikhol."

    — Amaiyah Griffin

  • "The depth of transformation that graces my life via Nikhol Rei, her teachings and life I am forever grateful beyond this earth for her spirits and humanness. A warm embrace is what it feels like for me to experience her; as if Mother Nature is streaming through me. I have been engaged within the Shadow Worker Apprenticeship, Mentorship, Daughter of Lilith Course, Body Security Writing Workshop, Energy Signature & Sex Magic Vol. 1 Group Zooms, Homecoming Session Support Group Chat. I experience/d deeply, profound and potently nourishing moments with Nikhol (gratitude cry session). Offerings were each of their own power. Curating such detail thoroughness, very much a non-performative human; the utmost importance is given to natural and organic movement. She offered me in spirit the courage to face and embrace myself throughout all her offerings and beyond. Her care, honesty and insight allowed natural growth within me as I am able to question more, find my center to peel back my layers. Amidst my first homecoming session I was engulfed with my first major ego death and Nikhol I felt held me right on through those waters. Within two months of that I was on a one-way alone Abroad to the most nature I’ve ever lived and I stayed for as long as I could. The greatest time of my life. Nikhol was very present and patient with me. I began experiencing DNA upgrades and implant removals. I later returned home and began to experience the purification shedding process of Kundalini yoga and with her sacred satchel of gifts I felt comfort and support in asking questions. I cannot wait to have in person moments and experiences. I am learning and gathering so much about myself amidst my cycles and seasons. Days do not go by where I’m not in deep tears of gratitude and awe of her teachings and support. From a very sacred space in my heart I truly and deeply have Reverence and Honor for her continued Anointing over my essence; over our wombs."

    — Emnet W

  • "Following Nikhol's work over the past 5 years has granted me access to wisdom I highly revere and consider extremely rare. Her presence alone has an aura of " deep devotion & respect for your own spirits is required for you to be here". Something that reflected my deepest feelings of inadequacy back to me. Yet, when I began to actually Work with Nikhol and invest in her "Awakening Daughters of Lilith" course I got to see her and her work with a more intimate eye. She has shown me the immense compassion it takes to integrate the shadow and bring yourself into true harmony with nature. Many others online, even if well intentioned, have not made this work as holistic as she has. Her words, although not coated in "love & light" have a way of making you feel the very thing you believed was disgusting & unbearable about yourself is the exact thing you need to go and hug. The level of sovereignty she reflects for everyone is what keeps me devoted and faithful to her work & my own. Her writing workshops, eye readings and Intuitive marketing course have all impacted me at different times than when I initially began them. It is what I call timeless lessons. And as you organically integrate what is shared you will know when it is time to circle back or apply what you have experienced. I Know now how to relax in finding my role in the village. I once believed I had to make a big platform out of my psychic gifts and become a recognized "healer by many in order to be "seen" or "successful". Because of her "Backing currency with breath" course I can feel myself settling into the safety of just being me. A writer, a poet, a dancer, who also happens to be able to read a mf, because that's what I was born to be, not "do". I am formless. And so are you. Thank you Nikhol."

    — Gabrielle Isis

  • "Nikhol is a beautifully layered dynamic and complex woman who has been brave enough to not only explore but share her lived wisdom in how aligning our higher selves to our physical body. She boldly and unapologetically shares her experience with us other living beings at varying degrees of awareness the true power of our complex divinity. She is unlike many others out here, deeply aware of her own ego, but continuously choosing to look beyond it. I cannot begin to thank her enough for choosing this path that is her own while also choosing to share it with us. As far as my experience goes, there once was a time in my life where I wanted a spiritual leader or healer is to tell me what is happening in my future, instead of me doing the work myself. With Nikhol, I am encouraged and celebrated for doing the work myself. It's been so empowering to be able to seek her out as a way to affirm that i'm on the right track. I have sought her out for a cosmic eye reading, and in that reading, I asked her to nudge me where I may be off track, as to empower my confidence and trust within myself and my team. I have wanted a teacher that is moreso a guide on the journey of understanding myself, and that something she does so incredibly well. Utilizing her full encyclopedia of spirits and constantly growing and evolving each and every day she really is a beautiful embodiment of the magic of the spiritual world meshed within the agreements and logic we humans have executed in this physical world. She reminds us that our humanity is intricately tied to how much attention care and cultivation we give our spiritual selves. To be able to share space with someone who continuously operates in the space of always learning, always evolving, always shifting, always growing and someone who doesn't rely on the hubris of ego to justify not doing certain work, she is raw and continues to show us the importance of being attuned to your body. I am internally grateful to be able to afford the costs of sharing time, space and energy, with such a incredible being. Thank you Nikhol! Nikhol is a beautifully layered dynamic and complex woman who has been brave enough to not only explore but share her lived wisdom in how aligning our higher selves to our physical body. She boldly and unapologetically shares her experience with us other living beings at varying degrees of awareness the true power of our complex divinity. She is unlike many others out here, deeply aware of her own ego, but continuously choosing to look beyond it. I cannot begin to thank her enough for choosing this path that is her own while also choosing to share it with us. As far as my experience goes, there once was a time in my life where I wanted a spiritual leader or healer is to tell me what is happening in my future, instead of me doing the work myself. With Nikhol, I am encouraged and celebrated for doing the work myself. It's been so empowering to be able to seek her out as a way to affirm that i'm on the right track. I have sought her out for a cosmic eye reading, and in that reading, I asked her to nudge me where I may be off track, as to empower my confidence and trust within myself and my team. I have wanted a teacher that is moreso a guide on the journey of understanding myself, and that something she does so incredibly well. Utilizing her full encyclopedia of spirits and constantly growing and evolving each and every day she really is a beautiful embodiment of the magic of the spiritual world meshed within the agreements and logic we humans have executed in this physical world. She reminds us that our humanity is intricately tied to how much attention care and cultivation we give our spiritual selves. To be able to share space with someone who continuously operates in the space of always learning, always evolving, always shifting, always growing and someone who doesn't rely on the hubris of ego to justify not doing certain work, she is raw and continues to show us the importance of being attuned to your body. I am internally grateful to be able to afford the costs of sharing time, space and energy, with such a incredible being. Thank you Nikhol! I've completed the Awakening Daughters of LILITH course and had a Karmic eye reading."

    — Leah Tibbs

  • "I originally booked a Karmic Imprint Scan service from Nikhol. I’ve been following her for a while and was intrigued/drawn to her rawness about life and the experiences we have. It was like a breath of fresh air from all the love and light content that I’ve seen. At the time of booking I was in a weird space in my life looking for answers, feeling lost, like I didn’t know what direction to go in. I was hoping I could get some guidance from Nikhol. Fast forward a year later, I decided to take matters into my hands and change my reality and make hard decisions/let people go/make sacrifices and move to an island. I was terrified. At this time I still hadn’t received the scan, i had come to accept that I probably wasn’t going to and I was okay with that, I felt like maybe I was relying on this scan to give me answers that I needed to look within for. Some time later Nikhol offered a writing workshop for those who did not receive them and I couldn’t be more grateful for being at the end of that list. I loved taking this workshop! I think it ended up being even better than what an eye scan would have been. I got to witness others doing the same work, being vulnerable and stepping into their power and got to speak to Nikhol directly about what was going on in my life and where I felt like I was on my journey. She gave me honest feedback and reassurance that I wasn’t failing at my life lessons. Honestly the whole experience of it all just confirmed that all the answers and wisdom I need are within me and that I don’t need to outsource for that. I appreciate Nikhol for taking the time to remind us of our power and reiterating that we need to take it back and trust our selves! Thank you so much Nikhol ❤️

    — Julia Rodriguez

  • "I first came across Nikhol‘s work through social media and started out listening to her black milk podcast. It gave verbiage to experiences that I had but didn’t have words for. as I delved deeper into her teachings and content I came to truly appreciate the gift that she had in communicating the symptoms of a collective state, rather than just the individual, that we all are influenced by. She has an eye for nuances, and I admire her capacity to be raw, open, and honest with the level of work that has manifest in her own life from which shows her commitment to her calling and how she might be able to aid those who seek out her potent medicine. more than anything she has held integrity through all the stages of her business and makes an honest effort to keep to the organic nature of her abilities. I took part in The Fulfillment Code’s fourth cohort in 2021 and access the material from time to time to reference my own growth as made evident by the course as a rubric. Thank you Nikhol for your contributions to the collective."

    — Alexandra Perry

  • "I booked Nikhol’s Daughter’s Of Lilith course in early 2024 and little did I know this was going to be the start of something beautiful. God puts people in our paths for specific reasons and I believe this course was meant for me to go deeper into the shadow work that I was avoiding for some time. This course from Nikhol provided me the tools to understand the groundwork for working with the spirits that held residence in my vessel, along with entities I had housed from traumatic relationships. It brought me into my body as well as gave me a deeper understanding of when I was off balance and navigating life in a state of disassociation. This was also the beginning of my love for somatic therapy as our Homecoming practices connected us to our breath patterns and fascia release. THE FUCKING FASCIA RELEASE! If you’re wanting to get into Root & Sacral work THIS IS ITTTT. I know Nikhol said this was the last DOL course, but seeing how this was so transformative for me in working through and releasing sexual trauma, I hope she brings it back 🤞🏼. Spiritual women aren’t tamed. We are wild. We are free. We are feral. Unfortunately we’ve just been in a society that aims to suppress our nature. Having the community has been amazing.! Thank you Nikhol 🫀."

    — Amber Martinez

  • "I have booked an eye scan, e-books, and the homecoming e-book. Every service that I have booked with Nikhol has been an eye-opener and very life changing. The eye scan in particular, she was very straightforward with the feedback, being on point, knowing things that no one else knew. She is beyond amazing! Her work is phenomenal with no one to compare and has prompted me into a better understanding of life. Her website is easy to navigate with a wealth of information. I appreciate the services and highly recommend. Thank you Nikhol."

    — Lisa Little

  • "I want to say I'm grateful for everything I've learned from you. I came across your work while exiting my love and light era when I was all about people-pleasing and abandoning myself. I binged every IG live you did and bought all your ebooks. The shadow worker apprenticeship ebook was especially helpful. I also booked a Lillith eye reading, but it didn't go as planned. I have now taken a little break to focus on integration and do the homecoming session more often. I still love reading your posts on Instagram and Twitter. I cannot wait until I feel ready for the backing currency with breath course and can immerse myself in your work again. Thank you for being the wonderful channel you are and the bridge you helped me cross."

    — Rebeccah Mumbi

  • "Working with Nikhol the past few years has been a wonderful and awe-inspiring experience. Her words are so raw and inspirational, no fluff and no nonsense, you can tell that she truly wants to help people heal and grow on a profound level. I appreciate the way she has taught me to realize that it all starts with going back to basics in order to achieve the true spiritual cleansing and growth that we desire. She has helped me to get more real with myself and the world around me than I ever have before, and I truly don’t know where I’d be without her guidance, humor, and authenticity."

    — Tyler Longsworth

  • "I’m beyond grateful to have worked with Nikhol. I first came across her page in 2016, while starting my healing journey with very little intention. In 2019, I was drawn to her eye reading services - prior, I’ve never heard of eye readings and I ain’t never dared to explore anything like it, this was all so new to me. I was quite curious and very desperate to know what it could do for me in regard to gaining access to information I know I needed. After that session, I knew she was the real deal and that I had made the right choice, stepping out on faith allowed me to follow my intuition and it was very rewarding. In 2023, when Nikhol introduced the final round of the Daughters of Lilith Course, I hesitated due to financial insecurity, but I’m so glad I didn’t let that hold me back. Nikhol’s words have a way of piercing my soul, awakening the wild and wholehearted side of me. She speaks directly to the Divine feminine, creating a space for those unsure of how things will unfold but sure of themselves. She’s authentic, dependable, and truly a sister to anyone who works with her. The tools and wisdom I’ve gained from her have helped me become the best version of myself."

    — Tiara Booker

  • "General gratitude: Listen! The way being exposed to you over the years has CHANGED MY LIFE is not something I can easily put into words! Because I am an OG supporter, as in pre-Sheru supporter, I have gotten to experience every iteration (that you have shared with us), and I am beyond grateful for your vulnerability, rawness, and willingness to air yourself out - the shaman I didn't know I needed! Over the years, I have been quietly and gradually integrating all of the things that I have learned from you and I am now living on a timeline I didn't even know was possible with an increased awareness of how this all works. From the free GEMS to the offerings I have invested in, I have filled my alchemist's toolbox with indispensable tools that I can use in REAL TIME to move through or transform my experience. I am more abundant, more compassionate, more gentle with myself and more at peace with my personal chaos and initiations thanks to you sharing your work. Homecoming session: After watching and listening from the shadows for YEARS, I was finally prompted to work with you directly. It has been over a year since my first one-on-one interaction with you and it was through a Homecoming session. When I looked at the replay recently, I noticed how different my energy is comparatively. I always wondered what gave people "big energy" and I am certain now that it is the degree to which they inhabit their vessel. Now that I am knee deep in inhabiting mine, I notice how transformative this practice was/is for me. How I show up in the world (and the prana I have at my disposal to do so) feels like night and day when I look back at that video. I don't get snatched and yanked around by life and I can integrate experiences more smoothly without having to sacrifice so heavily. There is something that feels like equilibrium and balance that my Libran self is swimming in at this time. Karmic Imprint Scan: This read was STIFLING! The specifics related to ACTUAL people in my experience and the karmic debt from my paternal side was heavily exposed. I was able to take that information and integrate some of the entities that were wreaking havoc in my current experience. Every 6 months or so, I read it again and discover that things show up in my reality that help me to process through it and get more access to my magik! For example, one of the "prescriptions" was for me to handle a large tool like an axe. Nearly a year later, I went to a rage room as a team building activity for work and they kept handing me a sledge hammer. After the 3rd time they offered it to me, I found it interesting and took it as a sign. I finally let loose! When I say that hammer became an extension of me! I left my body and something else took over and released so much rage, without tears or other emotions. It felt so amazing and I was not in the least alarmed by it. It was such a beautiful and necessary experience. A month later, I re-read my scan and giggled because YOU CALLED IT! A year later, I painted my nails red (another prescription) and my paternal grandmother allowed me to stand up for myself at work and heal some of her rage toward white folk. I've stopped looking for things to enter into my timeline, and I have started to surrender to the present moment and it has transformed my whole life. Backing Currency with Breath: With the current understanding that I have (pun intended lol), this course is already helping me to level up in a major way. In Module 1 alone, I have already made some connections between the things that I am experiencing right now and the energetic investments I made that caused them to show up -accountability! I am more solid in my decision to choose location freedom and cut ties with all the open contracts I have that are itching to be closed. I feel so SEEN when being reminded that it is natural to oscillate during this process and I can be even more gentle with my human while shamaning myself through this initiation. What has been most monumental so far though, is the clarity I am receiving about the difference between how spirit leadings and entity feedings feel in my vessel. Because I no longer look at entities as a totally negative force, it was getting difficult to distinguish who was asking for what and why. I'm more in tune now, so I can see these things more clearly and make more informed and intentional decisions."

    — Sarah Bobbitt

  • "I've had the pleasure of working with Nikhol for the last few years. What she teaches through life experiences has helped fill gaps I didn't have the language for. From the Shadow Worker Apprenticeship to the Intuitive Marketing guide, many eBooks, and more, these tools have added so much value to my life. Embodiment, maintaining your breath, and working with your collection of spirits in a realm this dense requires serious work and dedication. Thank you for your contributions, Nikhol."

    — Atarah Golden

  • "Hi my name is Caitlin and I booked a karmic imprint scan. At first I was just looking to dive deeper into myself and to grow or get some useful information/tools from the reading in general. I waited about 1,5 year for the result and the waiting time was only an addition/bonus to the service. During this time my connection to Nikhol caused me to nearly always be aligned with the things she would post or talk about online and this has helped me immensely on an intellectual, spiritual and practical level. I changed/grew so much already and it opened me up to many deeper aspects of my general truth/authenticity & healing through several breakthroughs and events in my life. Yet we didn’t meet or talk that much online! This affected my understanding of self and the world, my perspective and approach to relation(ships), and my level of presentness significantly! The reading was in the new format (very short/compact to what I expected), which was actually perfect and exactly what I needed. The wait was like a preparation/confrontation and the reading was the confirmation, re-assurance and initiation. The exact piece of truth I was not looking for but needed to accept. I am still struggling with some themes but I know that has nothing to do with Nikhol or the reading. I also want to add that I’ve been searching/exploring a lot and Nikhol is definitely the only one who could reflect to me the essence of what I’ve been wanting to re-connect to and more in such accurate ways. If you do book this service and in my personal opinion any, you will get exactly what you need from it, the question is are you willing to choose to see that and use it? For a deep, thorough, feminine understanding and guidance to the unseen (parts of ourselves) and the truth of being human, Nikhol would be the shaman I’d definitely recommend. I am very grateful, and I think you are outstandingly real and generous Nikhol! 😩❤️‍🔥"

    — Caitlin Perez Ordaz

  • "I booked a karmic imprint scan from Nikhol. Due to several circumstances, this turned into me taking her course ‘Cultivating your Own Psychic Power’. To start with, it’s important to note that Nikhol is not your average person nor your average spiritual practitioner. She is extremely articulate and comes with many layers due to the amount of spirits she has housed or communicated with. She is very blunt, so don’t waste your time aspiring for shallow affirmations. What you will likely get with her service is a perspective you didn’t foresee or the truth that you’ve known but avoided. In my case, I was simply brought back to an awareness of things I had simply lost sight of. Be prepared to answer questions that will leave you vulnerable, because what you’re probably seeking is on the other side of that. Please leave your ego at the door, and realize that you’re paying for spiritual services. More specifically, you’re initiating a contract with a matriarch that specializes in shadow work. If you’re expecting to be coddled by the light and positivity, seek elsewhere. Now that we have that out of the way, I highly recommend Nikhol’s services if you’re looking for a guide or a someone to hold you accountable. In the physical world, Nikhol acts as a great reminder that your spirit needs to be nourished and cared for as well. Due to the fact that Nikhol works according to a natural rhythm, which is a lesson of its own… You may find yourself waiting for a service to be fulfilled. I recommend reading her books or listening to her recordings in the meantime. You may find them enlightening."

    — Austin OBrien

  • "Nikhol’s guidance has been inspirational and informative in the most necessary way. I booked and experienced the fulfillment code, and I’ve been applying, revisiting, and learning from that experience constantly. Nikhol’s sharing of exalted information via her developed processes, insights, and words have been literally life changing and liberating. It has been a necessary tool for my advancement, understanding, and processing of life and myself. Nikhol breaks down the nuances, grey hazy parts of life/experience, and through her tools I’ve gained the clarity I’ve been constantly outsourcing. Everything Nikhol shares feels necessary and valid, especially in regard to liberating oneself! I am grateful to have experienced Nikhol and her everlasting tools and gifts!"

    — Ashauntee J

  • "I booked two Eye Readings, one for me and one for my child. Nikhol was spot on with the readings. She also confirmed what I have been experiencing and has provided me with tools that I can use to better myself. She was very open to answering any questions that I had pertaining to the reading. I would recommend booking her services because she's a very gifted person."

    — Manouchka Desir

Video Reviews