Join The Collective Womb Alliance!
Disclaimer: My maximum capacity for this alliance is set at 200 people. Once that limit is reached, there will be a waiting list put into place. So, when a member ends their subscription, a new member will have the opportunity to join!
Please also be aware that you do not have to be a mother who has physically birthed a child in order to join or be apart of this space; so long as you have a womb, we share the same karmic responsibility. With that said, yes this space is for mothers, but also for non-mothers.
What Is It?
This alliance is a self-sustained, matriarchal community for all wombmen, especially mothers, centered around providing life bearers with the emotional, psychological, karmic and material support necessary to promote economic and spiritual liberation within communities and households worldwide.
This monthly membership has been created for my supporters to not only supplement my online presence during my Instagram hiatuses, but so that they can also hold and be held by other wombmen that comprehend and are in authentic resonance with work of this caliber. We are a private network of wombmen that prefer to live intentional lives that embody spiritual wealth rather than to perpetuate it for worldly wealth and recognition.
My goal as a [high functioning] curator is to create a sustainable space where we are not being reduced or having our sacral energy siphoned in exchange for crumbs; where our creative, spiritual and maternal endeavors pour back into our bloodlines instead of simply being commodified or reduced into ego traps that serve no one.
My hope for The Collective Womb Alliance is to form a collaborative network of sophisticated wombmen that will extend beyond online spaces as trust, faith and credit is cultivated and authentically nurtured. This is a space where we give and receive, where we see vulnerability as a superpower and where we transcend perpetual victimhood and scarcity with the practicality that many “spiritual” and/or “conscious communities” have grown lost on.
How We Will Build True Wealth & Legacy In A Spiritually Sustainable Way
General Rooms
Room Themes: Intro & General Chat Room, Announcements, Alliance Affiliateship (To Earn Discounts On Digital Products/Services/Events), Instagram Style Rants, Clubhouse Style Audioroom, Our Ambassadors (Private), Request A New Room Category
Compound In Costa Rica For Wombmen & Children
Room Themes: Donated Items For Mothers & Children, Essential Role Fulfillment, Alliance Affiliates, Property Development, Relocation To Costa Rica, Rentals In Puerto Viejo - Costa Rica, Real Estate In Costa Rica, When Wombmen Gather Events (Next One: April 25th), Vision Board For Compound
The Power of Witness
Room Themes: Selfies, Your Talents & Expressions, Food Selfies, Book Recommendations, Safe Men (The Only Room Men Can Access), Gifting & Paying Forward, Unique Wombman-Led Businesses, Shadow Dump/Shade Room (For Integrative Purposes)
Karmic Advisory
Room Themes: Private Lectures & “Decolonizing Your Relationship With God” Sunday Sermon Links & Replays, Witchcraft & Illusion Magick, Spirit + Entity Recognition, God-Self/Source, Nikhol Rei’s Offerings
Survival Essentials
Room Themes: Work Opportunities, Bartering/Trade Community, Finances, Money & Debt, Remedies For Sickness & Disease, Homesteading, Housing/Roommate Arrangements, Donated Items
Healing The Womb, Genes & Cells (Bloodline Clearing)
Room Themes: Integrative Abortion Support, Healing STDs, Abandonment of Child’s Father, Birth Intervention & Trauma, Detoxing & Intuitive Eating
For Mama & Baby
Room Themes: Bereaved Mothers, Baby Formula Alternatives, Remedies For Babies & Children, Postpartum + Afterbirth, Reassurance For New Moms, C-Section Healing & Shock
Conscious Parenting
Room Themes: Homeschooling/Unschooling, Fatherless Sons, Molestation & Rape
Private VIP Membership
This variation of membership is for those who are already equipped with resources, capital to purchase + develop land, an expansive network and/or who fulfills one (or many) essential roles for the progression of this collective mission. All rooms within VIP membership can be viewed by general members, but cannot be accessed by them. With that said, VIP Membership will be for those who are already in a position to begin properly stewarding in a way that does not compromise the spiritual integrity of this collective mission.
Room Themes: Investors, Real-Estate In Costa Rica, Compound Development, Website Development Services, Pitch Deck, Business Plan Group Critique & Review, Property & Building Material Catalog Review
Within this intentionally curated space, together, we will be able to co-create the the subtle, energetic components that will make up the spaces that will be assuming tangible form sooner than you all may realize!
Essentially, I want this virtual space to mimic and serve as the foundation for the things that we will see when the Compound For Wombmen & Children comes into tangible fruition here in the jungle.
This monthly membership has been created for wombmen in order to not only supplement my online presence during my Instagram hiatuses, but so that they could also be held, supported, guided and poured into by other wombmen that comprehend and are in authentic resonance with work of this caliber.
This variation of membership is for those who already have resources, capital to purchase + develop land, an expansive network and/or who fulfills one (or many) essential roles for the progression of this collective mission. All rooms within VIP membership can be viewed by general members, but cannot be accessed by them. With that said, VIP Membership will be for those who are responsible enough to not compromise the spiritual integrity of this work. First 30 days serve as probational screening.