Roe vs. Wade: How The Clinical Abortion “Ban” Is Forcing Wombmen To Deal With Their Bloodline Karma DIRECTLY.
What You Think Is Taking Away Your “Rights” Is Actually Taking Away Your Privileges So You Can Start Making Karmically Sound Decisions!
It’s not a matter of “forced” birth, but forced (spiritual) accountability. If you understood the lost, sacred significance of labor & birth, you would understand that loss of such a privilege, (or illusion of choice), is giving you second chance at (spiritual) life.
I typically do not speak on topics that are trending or reflect some sort of “political” outrage, but I also know that virtually no one is going to speak on this topic from the karmically competent lens that I do or cover it with the precision that I will. So I’m going to list some key points that may ruffle some of your feathers, but rest assure, I will do my due diligence in expounding and providing context where necessary. Wherever there are gaps in perspective, I will fill them during my open panel discussion on Instagram Sunday, June 26th at 6pm CST. In the meantime, enjoy (or be triggered).
Everyone wants freedom of choice, but deny themselves daily of the choice to be responsible, self-aware and respectful of their own minds, bodies and spirits. This disregard disturbs our collective harmony and if our modern day comforts must be disturbed for said restoration of harmony to take place, so be it.
Many may not recognize it due to how pacified they are by the “government” (at varying polarities), but the corporation we’ve mistaken for a nation is now out of business. Yep, they’re packing it up and that process most certainly will not be televised! Due to bankruptcy (amongst many other unseen contracts coming to a close), they have to give everything back to the aboriginals of the land and the sovereign in Spirit; which will require us to become responsible for things that we’ve been bred to rely on the system for. In times to come, you will find that those who are not willing to reclaim their spiritual birthrights will be more driven to fight for the perks and privileges that come with the culture of artificial (disconnected) living instead of organic (connected) living. They will fight to sustain the ignorance around the intimate thread between life & death, as well as the all around karmic incompetence that has made the great “America” a cesspool of spiritually dead persons; which fuels (corp)orations with the life force they’ve needed to persevere.
Clinical abortions are a harsh, sterile and perceivably the “easy way out” by numbing yourself to assuming responsibility for the [spiritually] inherited self-hatred, paralyzing fear, grief, poverty mindset and/or many other karmic themes that you would have otherwise been required to experience the full emotional + psychological spectrum of AND make sacrifices for via labor + birth before your soul (and bloodline) could be relieved of the stains of those karmic residues. Many will bring up situations like rape and use that to justify the necessity of clinical abortion, but even horrifying experiences like that will present necessary sacrifices that’ll need to be made to restore harmony in the individual’s bloodline and/or grant the wombman in question a higher degree in consciousness (higher spiritual rank)…even if through much pain, violation and suffering. The pain experienced is her picking up the slack of those before her and instead of disconnecting, remaining present enough to relive and release the full emotional, psychological and physical spectrum of the karma she has inherited. And if she chooses spiritual death for perceived 3D freedom or success, if she ever chooses to procreate, her offspring will be left with the responsibility to pick up that slack PLUS whatever karma she (the mother) has continued to accumulate within a state of disconnectedness.
If you desire to release the life within your womb, but consider yourself a wombman of spiritual caliber, you gone have to step your shit up! An indoctrinated, (corp)orate wombmen is concerned with her physical preservation, her survival needs, her image and her perceived freedom. A wombman of spiritual caliber is concerned with the spiritual cleanliness of her bloodline, paying off inherited debt that has been stored in her cells + womb and is willing to tread that line of life and death (as seen in labor & birth) to retrieve what has been spiritually given away and/or stolen so that eternal life may be granted to her (aka access to “The Kingdom”, the “New Earth”, access to your gifts + higher insights, ascension; it has many names)…which leads me to my next point.
I spoke to a full spectrum birth worker that assists with life (carrying full term) and death (not carrying to full term, but choosing to self-induce and be fully present for delivery and physical death of the fetus). She said that in situations where wombmen have tried to to clinically abort and there are complications, lots of pain or the baby’s body parts end up scattered across their womb, that means the baby did not want to be removed or did not feel safe enough to exit the womb. In situations like this, as far as karmic competence and spiritual accountability is concerned on the wombman’s behalf, it was the wombman’s responsibility not to deny herself of the right to choose how she would birth, but to be responsible enough to learn how to communicate with the life/Spirit inhabiting her womb, the lessons he/she came to teach (be it through life or death) and having the capacity to stomach these experiences accordingly to transcend the karmic debt in her own womb and inevitably so, her bloodline. Sacrifice cannot be avoided via either route, so you are essentially “buying yourself time/convenience” by going through the numbing procedure (clinical) instead of choosing to birth consciously, regardless of physical death is the end result. The truth is, you are not ridding yourself of the responsibility of that soul and all associated karmic lessons; you are putting it on pending to manifest in other ways in your life and/or disconnecting yourself from embodying the “higher” expression of your own consciousness that your vessel it felt it had to replicate itself (via procreation) to achieve.
We always have a choice; so the illusion that “governmental” forces are denying us of choice is deflective. What they are actually doing is putting spiritual responsibility back into the hands of the living sovereign, the natural people that remain diligent in sustaining their connection to Source instead of man. We are about to be required to manage our own spiritual checks and balances without a crutch. As a wombman, you’d only “panic” over clinical abortion being illegal out of ignorance to your spiritual responsibilities as a life + death keeper; and many wombmen WILL lose their (physical) lives so that the imbalances between responsible life bearers and irresponsible life bearers can be brought back into harmony. Avoiding death is ignorant; as it restores harmony through blood loss, life force released and tears shed; all of the same elemental components that bring things back to harmony in nature. So, next time you want to get an abortion to exercise your “right of choice”, go to your local medicine wombman and go the herbal route. Induce labor naturally and birth your child; face your reflection and all of the emotions, thoughts and sensations you’ve been dodging. Clinical abortion would essentially be robbing you of such a sacred opportunity...and you will have to pay in blood, pain or suffering much later; even if you fail to recognize the pattern. The clinical, hybridized route toward abortion that let’s us “choose” spiritual irresponsibility condones denying ourselves of the opportunity to communicate with the Spirit that chose our wombs, the lessons it came to teach (in life or death) and the ancestral pain hidden behind the unspoken intentions hidden behind freedom of “choice”.
The highly commercialized and densely marketed topic of pregnancy and childbirth (on artificial timelines) are often about the perfect family, family portraits, baby showers, etc. But we, as wombmen are learning (through spouse abandonment, traumatizing hospital experiences and the stain on our souls that we learn to live with after clinical abortion) that childbirth is something far more taboo, shamanic and karmic than advertised and requires a level of internal strength, cultivated self-awareness and receptivity to the duality of our existence to see it through to completion.
This last point will be the toughest pill to swallow despite how often we witness this exact phenomena daily without knowing what we’re looking at (karmically speaking). But here it goes: sometimes, a bloodline’s collective karma is so severe, it requires very large sacrifices to bring things back into harmony; such as physical death, immense suffering and mass bloodshed. There are many forms of death that pay for our sins/karmic debts, but in more extreme cases where we have allowed superficial privileges (product of shallow breath) to completely disconnect us from our Spirits (Holy Breath), sometimes the cost is a larger life force release than a simple life shift or freak accident. We know that we are disconnected from ourselves as a people when we confuse physical death for eternal death and a long physical life for eternal life.
There have been and will continue to be many things that the “government” perceivably “takes away” from us; but from a karmically competent standpoint, these are actually the reparations we have been begging for, but are obviously not ready for. When there are food shortages, they are prompting us to get back to the land and grow our own produce again. When we are being mishandled in corporate establishments such as hospitals, we are being prompted to birth at home with our families; which prompt families to show up in ways that they didn’t have in in more sterile environments (and accept the potentiality, responsibility and necessity of death without associating it with loss). And when “they” take away our “rights to choose what we do with our bodies”, we have to open our eyes and see that we still have body autonomy, but they are out of business; so they can no longer karmically afford to initiate these blood sacrifices for us. We have to take that responsibility back into our own hands…or die; and I ain’t talking physical death.
Watch the follow-up livestream that went viral HERE.